JAYPEE Commercial Plots in Sports City

JAYPEE Commercial Plots in Sports City

Jaypee group is pleased to invite applications for provisional allotment of plot for “shop cum office” at Jaypee Greens Sports City, Gautam Budh Nagar (U.P.) Situated at:


  • “Jaypee Greens Sports City”,SDZ, Sector-25,Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority Area,Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
  • The price applicable is Rs. 54,000/- per Sq. Yd.
  • Those who want to apply need to submit a DD in favaour of “Jaypee Sports International limited“ payable at Noida, along with the completed application forms. The amount for the DD is Rupees five lacs only (Rs. 5 Lacs)
  • The scheme opens on 14/05/2011 and closes on 18/05/2011 by 1500 hrs, No forms shall be accepted after the closing time

Jaypee Greens for the first time come up with “SCO(Shop-cum-office)” concept that relates with the mixed developments of shopping and office spaces on an independent commercial plots” located in Jaypee Greens Sports City East with all the excellent amenities like ATM’s, Small Restaurants, Fast Food Joints, Insurance Branches, Social Club and Golf Club House.

Jaypee Square, Yamuna Expressway is exceptionally designed so that abodes blend flawlessly with recreational areas. Each unit will have an area of 171 Sq. Yd. with 40% ground coverage and have space to build 3079 Sq ft give our esteemed clients the opportunity to construct the home of their choice. The project is coming up in Yamuna Expressway, offers an exclusive lifestyle, knitted with the fabric of caring and sharing, the joy of good life and has an excellent locational advantage.

USP’S of Project

• Stadiums for various sports with related facilities.
• India’s first “Urban Integrated City”.
• Enveloped in acres of landscape greens and thematic gardens.
• Motor race track of international standards.
• Jaypee Group’s brand name & lineage.

Booking Amount – 5 Lakh Only

DD/Pay Order in favor of “JAYPEE INFRATECH LTD”

Price list

BSP @ Rs. 42,700 /sqyd.
Inaugural Discount @ Rs. 2100 / sqyd.
Additional service tax as applicable
Other applicable charges
Sr. No. Payment Head Charges / Rate
1. Internal Development Charges Rs. 900 / sqyd.
2. Electric Substation Charges Rs. 500 / sqyd.
3. Car Parking (in Lakh) Rs. 2.50 Lakh
4. Interest Free Maintenance Deposit Rs. 600 / sqyd.
5. One Time Lease Rent Rs. 600 / sqyd.
6. Maintenance Advance for First Year Rs. 20 / sqyd. / month
Notes :
1. Maintenance charges / deposits shall be payable by the allottee seperately as follows.a. The one time interest free maintenance deposit @ Rs. 600/sqyd. shall be payable before handling over possesion of the premises to the allottee.b. Maintenance charges for the first year shall be payable to advance at the time of offer of possession @ Rs. 20/ sqyd./ month.2. Areas are indicative only.

3. All plans and layouts are subject to change at the sole discretion of the company or statutory authorities.

4. Increased / decreased area shall be charged proportionately as per the allotment terms.

5. The other terms and conditions shall be as per the application form, standard terms and conditionsn and the provisional allotment letter of the company.

6. The prices are subject to revision /withdrawl at any time without notice at the sole discretion of the company.

7. Govt. taxes as applicable from time to time shall be payable by the allottee in adittion to the sale price as stataed above.

8. Administrative charges for the first transfer of the allotment woyld be free.

9. Second transfer onwards the charges would be @ Rs. 1000/sqyd. for the first five years. (subject to change as per the company poilicy.).

10. Set Backs :

a. The front setback of 12.804 mts. (approx.) shall be utilized for open parking and landscape. The work pertaining to development of this parking area along with its landscaping etc. shall be done by the company (at no additional cost to the allottee) in order to maintain similarity . In no case, the area of the front setback meant for parking can be covered / barricaded.

b. The rear setback of 1.5 mts (approx.) shall be used for rear steps and laying of services. construction of boundary wall around the rear setback shall be permitted.

11. The front and rear setbacks , the building plans/ elevations/ facade shall remain fixed and construction shall be taken up by the allottee as per architectual control drawings provided by the company. The maximum permissible covered area for all the plots (Area – 143.04 sq.mt.) shall remain fixed at 228.864 sq.mt. (2463 sq.ft.) excluding basement. The possession of the plot shall be handed over to the allottee after the allottee completes the construction up to ground floor.


Payment Plan

Booking Amount Rs. 5.00 Lakh for plot size of 171/sqyd.
A. Development Linked Payment Plan (DLP)
Sr. No. Payment Due Percentage (%) Other Charges
1. Booking Amount As applicable
2. Within 30 days from date of booking/allotment 20 % of BSP less Booking Amount
3. Within 90 days from date of allotment 10 % of BSP
4. Within 150 days from date of allotment 10 % of BSP
5. Within 210 days from date of allotment 10 % of BSP IDC
6. On completion of earth filling leveling & demarcation of the allotted plot 10 % of BSP Car Parking
7. On laying of water services in front of the plot 10 % of BSP
8. On laying of sewage services in front of the plot 10 % of BSP Electric sub station charges
9. On laying of electric services in front of the plot 10 % of BSP
10. On offer of possession 10 % of BSP IFMD + Lease Rent Charges + Maintenance Advance
10 % of BSP
Total 100%
B. Partial Down Payment Plan (PDP)
Sr. No. Payment Due Percentage (%) Other Charges
1. At the time of Booking As applicable
2. Within 30 days from the date of booking/ allotment 53 % of BSP less booking amount IDC
3. On completion of earth filling leveling & demarcation of the allotted plot 20 % of BSP Car Parking + Electric substation charges
4. On laying of sewage services in front of the plt 15 % of BSP
5. On offer of possession 10 % of BSP IFMD + Lease Rent Charges + Maintenance Advance
Total 100 %
Partial down payment discount up to 6.5% on BSP , based on the status of development works.
C. Down Payment Plan (DP)
Sr. No. Payment Due Percentage (%) Other Charges
1. Booking Amount As Applicable
2. Within 30 days from date of booking / allotmant 90 % of BSP less booking amount IDC + Car park + Electric substation charges
3. On offer of possession 10 % of BSP IFMD + Lease Rent Charges + Maintenance Advance
Total 100 %
Down payment discount upto 10 % on BSP, based on the status of development works.
Notes : 1. The Partial Down Payment and Down Payment discount shall reduce with passage of time and based on the physical progress of development works.2. The Construction Linked Payment plan and Partial Down Payment Plan shall become payable to demand irrespective of the order in which they are lsited.3. Construction Linked installments may run concurrently with those under the time linked installmets based on the physical progress of work at site.

4. The allottee will be given permission to construct the building on this plot as per building plan provided by the company within 18 months of allotment / provisional allotment upon the payment of 90 % of BSP and other charges as applicable and due up to the installment no. under DLP or installment no. 4 under PDP or installment no. 2 under DP as the case may be. The construction upto Ground Floor has to be completed within 2 years, the offer of possession of plot shall be given upon the completion of such construction by the allottee.

Demand Draft shall be drawn in favor of ‘Jaypee Infratech Limited’ payable at Noida.


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